Happiness - something so tangible yet elusive at the same time. We feel high on endorphins when we get a pay rise. However, in a few short weeks, this will normalize and become the new baseline. And very soon, we'll be looking for the next promotion. This isn't surprising but why is that so? With the help of scientific research which had been cleverly summarized into two great infographs from WebpageFx and Happify , we thought we might have found a fun, easy and sustainable recipe to achieve happiness. 1. Remember that our tough circumstances do not affect our happiness "Tough times do not last, but tough people do", a famous quote used to encourage anyone who is struggling in a difficult situation. According to scientists, this is not just management talk but supported by concrete findings. Only 10% of our happiness is determined by the circumstances we're in. In fact, we get used to our circumstances over time so they do not play as large of a r