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Your Poop and Pee Reflects Your Health: What You Need to Look Out For

Your poop and pee are a reflection of your health 1

Have you heard of stories where where someone was struck with a serious illness out of the blue, with no warning at all? Maybe there were warnings, just that they didn't recognize the signs. The following infograph cleverly summarizes 18 signs you need to look out for, to avoid a nasty surprise. Colon cancer, diabetes, kidney stones, liver and pancreatic disorders can be identified your number 1 and number 2.

Health indicators of your stools 1

It's easy to remember the four things to look out for - the 4 S. Shape, Size, Smell, Shade.

The color of your poop reveals your diet as well as illnesses

Health indicators of your stools 2

If your poop is brown in color - good news, that's normal! But if it's another color, then you might have an underlying health condition that you should get check out.

Red - bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract, red foods like beets
Green - undigested bile, Crohn's disease, antibiotics, leafy greens
Yellow - Gallbadder problems
White - Liver disease, pancreatic disorder, antacids  
Black - upper gastrointestinal bleeding, iron supplements, meat

Shape reveals whether your body is absorbing nutrients

Health indicators of your stools 3

If your poop comes out in little lumps or is hard and dry, the problem is that it stays in your intestines too long, resulting in too much water being absorbed. This could be caused by a lack of fiber, dehydration, constipation and medication. On the other hand, if your poop is too liquid, it could indicate an increase in your fiber intake, an infection or a cleanse. 

Have you wondered why you poop floats sometimes? That's because your intestines aren't properly absorbing fats, indicating weight loss drugs or a fat-substitute like Olestra. 

Most seriously, however, is pencil-thin poop. This is caused by a mass in the colon constricting the stool and could be an indication of either colon cancer or a polyp.

50 shades of pee

Health indicators of your stools 4
If your pee is light in color, you're probably drinking enough water. On the other hand, if it's a dark shade of yellow, either you're not drinking enough water or you have kidney problems

Pee that is at a pH of around 7 is most ideal. If your pee has a very low pH (acidic), this could be an indication that you're starving, have lung disease or diabetes. On the other hand, if your pee has a high pH (alkaline), this could be a sign of kidney disease.

What color is your pee?

Health indicators of your stools 5

Just like your poop, the color of your pee can reveal a lot about the condition of your health. Bright yellow pee is is usually caused by vitamin supplements like B vitamins. Murky urine is an indication of urinary tract infection (UTI) or even kidney stones. Red or pink urine can be a sign of blood - usually a serious problem. Foamy, green or blue pee is usually nothing to worry about. 

Interested To Find Out More?

If you're interested to find out more about what your poo is telling about your health, we recommend you check out this fantastic book on Amazon, "What's Your Poo Telling You", by Anish Sheth and Josh Richman.

Featuring over 24 witty illustrations and descriptions, each with a medical explanation by a doctor, the book has universal appeal and is filled with useful details on what one can learn about their health and well-being by studying what's in the bowl.

Got a floater? That's probably due to a buildup of gas. Maybe it was caused by last night's burrito? The book features all of the greatest hits including:

  • Floaters vs Sinkers
  • Monster Poo
  • Pebble Poo
  • Hanging Chad
  • Poo-phoria
  • Honeymoon's over poo


We hope you enjoyed the article and learned how to read some of your body's telltale signs. Do check out some of our other articles in the health and fitness sections:

Here's the full infograph:

Health indicators of your stools 6


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