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Improve Your Brand: How To Change Your Favicon on Blogger

How to change your favicon on Blogger

As much as we love Blogger, having the default Blogger Favicon does your site's branding efforts no favors. It's often the little things that makes a site stand out from all the rest and if you've already got your own customized domain address, the next step to make your site look more professional is to add a customized favicon. Here's how you can change your website's Favicon in 4 easy steps.

What is a Favicon?

A favicon is a small, square image, usually 16x16 pixels, associated with a particular website. It is typically displayed in the address bar of a browser accessing the site or next to the site name in a user's list of bookmarks. If you're not sure what it is, the screenshot below highlights the Favicon in red:

What is a favicon

As you can see, the Blogger icon appears on the left of the EyeObserver tab and i'll show you how that can be changed to your brand's logo in 4 steps.

Step 1: 

How to change your Blogger favicon 1

Open the Blogger dashboard and go to the "Layout" menu. Most templates have the Favicon gadget added as a default already. But if not, you can add it by clicking on  "Add a Gadget".

Step 2: 

How to change your Blogger favicon 2

Click the "Edit" link on the Favicon gadget. A popup will appear.

Step 3:

How to change your Blogger favicon 3

Browse for the image you want to use as your Favicon  and click on the "Save" button. Blogger accepts only square images less than 100 KB in size so you might have to do some editing of your original image.

In our case, we had to convert our rectangular logo to a square one using MS Paint.

Step 4: 

Wait... it'll take anywhere from a day to 5 days for the changes to show up. Don't be alarmed if your new Favicon doesn't show up immediately. If it had been more than a week, then you should try the steps listed above again.


Using a customized Favicon is an important step in building a brand and one that you shouldn't ignore. Hope you've found this tutorial useful and i'll add another one on how you can add an animated favicon (Gif) for your site real soon. Thanks for reading, and all your follows and shares over the years! 


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